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Gifts Need Guidance aims to empower young men in the Tampa Bay area by providing resources and development skills both athletically and in their personal lives. Our organization focuses on four core areas: mentorship, sports training, leadership development and college readiness. 


GNG believes that building a personal relationship based on trust and equal respect allows our leadership to build life-long bonds with the young men in our program. We understand that gifts often go unrealized without the right influences, so we strive to introduce our students to new ways of thinking that challenge what they ever thought possible for their future. 


Leadership Development

At GNG, we want to not only build athletes, we want to build the next generation of doctors, lawyers, business owners and future leaders. We install these ideas by constantly reiterating that with the right mindset anything is possible. GNG also invites former players, college athletes and business owners to speak to our young men so they can see how success does not all have the same path or final destination. 

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College Readiness

Gifts Need Guidance is dedicated to helping students realize their educational goals. We assist our young men by providing tools for college readiness and college prep while also providing personalized planning for their future. 


Sports Training

With over 50 years of combined coaching experience and a passion for development, the coaches at GNG challenge our athletes in every aspect  of the game. They believe that the way to growth not just focuses on what we are good at, but looking at our weaknesses  and what challenges us to truly grow and step beyond our comfort zones. 

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